Health Calorie

What Is The Proper Way To Drink Water?

Well, we all know the importance of water, we can’t live without water actually it is not only difficult for mankind but also the other creatures to survive without water. Drinking water is very necessary for our life, But it is also important to know how to drink water if we follow the right way of drinking water then we can be safe from many diseases for life.

In today’s turbulent environment where everyone is concerned, everyone has some problem, and most people are pensive, in such a situation we pray to God for the welfare of all.

Today we will tell you the right way of drinking water, if you follow these rules then you can see the changes happening in your body, by following these rules you can completely eliminate more than 80 diseases.

Do you know what is the right way to drink water if we do not follow the right rules of drinking water, then we may suffer from more than 80 diseases but what are these diseases like let’s take a glance.

Knee pain, obesity, white spots, arthritis, acidity, high blood pressure, diabetes, constipation, tuberculosis, asthma, paralysis, fainting, frequent headaches, cough, liver problems, urinary problems, Piles, infection, Uterus cancer, Pimples, wrinkles, pain, anemia, stone pain, brain weakness, stomach diseases, thyroid, heart pain, cholesterol and There are also many other diseases, if you don’t keep your body hydrated then there are chances that you may suffer from these diseases and a very short span of time.

So what is the proper way to drink water?

How can we get rid of these diseases and what is the best and most effective way to cure all these diseases? It is very simple but you have to improve the way you drink water in your daily lifestyle, by following this routine you can avoid more than 80 diseases.

First We should drink 4 glasses of lukewarm water before waking up in the morning so that all the toxins in our body can easily come out.

Only copper water should be drank daily.

Water should always be drank by sipping.

Drinking water before cleaning teeth is considered very beneficial for our health. When we drink water it is very necessary to mix saliva with water. because it maintains the pH level of our stomach. Many properties are found in our saliva, which is in the fertile soil and all these minerals are found mostly in the morning and it is the best treatment for obesity and acidity.

Never drink water while standing, Always drink water while sitting, This will never cause pain in your knee.

Never drink RO water as far as possible. 300 to 500 TDS water is the best way. A human’s body can drink up to 1000 TDS water, but in RO all the minerals go away when RO purifies the water.

Boiling water
Boiling water

Hot water works like a medicine, always drink a glass of warm water before bedtime and drink 12 to 15 glasses of water daily, so that all parts of your body will be able to function well and you will never have obesity.

Maharishi Vagbhat Ji has said that water is like poison at the end of the meal, never drink water after meal, always drink water 1 hour before meals and 1 hour after meals. Do follow all these rules in your daily life and keep away from all diseases. stay positive stay healthy

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