Health Calorie

Argan Oil for Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are jagged lines that appear on the abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks, or other places on the body. These lines are caused by rapid stretching of the skin with limited elasticity.

They are quite prevalent in pregnant women, particularly in the third trimester. Stretch marks are not harmful or painful, but most people don’t like the look of their skin.

Stretch marks do not require any skin treatment. They often go away over time, with or without treatment. But they can never disappear completely.

Moroccan Argan Oil for Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Can Argan Oil Reduce Stretch Marks

Argan oil is the perfect oil for anti-aging care, especially while you sleep, and its effects are recognized all over the world. Stretch marks caused by weight gain, which is a problem for pregnant women, can also be reduced with argan oil.

The rich vitamin E found in argan oil has been proven to be helpful in reducing stretch marks. Rich in fatty acids, it has the effect of reducing even the stretch marks that have already appeared. Argan oil does not contain fragrances or additives, making it safe for long-term use by pregnant women.

Apply argan oil directly to the area you are concerned about with belly fat and massage gently. It is recommended to apply it once before sleeping and once during the day, but it is also fine to apply it just before going to bed. It is recommended to use it daily from the beginning of pregnancy, as it gives elasticity to the skin. Argan oil care is a very affordable way to prevent stretch marks.

Additionally, during pregnancy, you are more likely to experience dry skin and frizzy hair, so applying argan oil is a good idea.

During pregnancy, you may be especially sensitive to Odors, so argan oil, which is nearly odorless, is probably the best choice.

Does Argan Oil Help Remove Stretch Marks?

According to a small 2016 study, argan oil increases skin elasticity. Many researchers believe that argan oil can help reduce stretch marks. A 2015 study showed that consuming and applying argan oil improved skin elasticity in post-menopausal women.

How to Use Argan Oil for Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Before applying to clean skin, cleanse your skin by taking a shower or bath. If it is dry, wipe it gently with a towel to remove excess moisture.

Place a small amount of argan oil in your palm. Start with a tiny amount and add more as needed.

Spread the oil on your fingers and massage it gently onto the areas of your stomach and breasts where stretch marks are most likely to appear. Apply it slowly on the skin in circular motion.

When massaging, avoid strong stimulation that may stretch the skin. Be gentle and massage the oil from time to time to work it into your skin.

If desired, you can apply argan oil to other stretch mark-prone areas (buttocks, thighs, breasts, etc.) using the same process.

Wait until the oil is thoroughly absorbed into the skin. It is important to allow a few minutes to tens of minutes for the oil to be absorbed.

After application, we recommend waiting until the oil dries completely before wearing clothes. This is to prevent oil from getting on your clothes.

Causes of Stretch Marks

Argan Oil for Pregnancy Stretch MarksStretch marks are mainly caused by two factors. The first is the hormonal changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. During pregnancy, the levels of hormones especially estrogen and progesterone increase in your body. These hormones act on the collagen and elastin fibers of the skin, making them less elastic. As a result, the skin on your stomach and breasts stretches easily, making stretch marks more likely.

The second factor is the rapid growth of the abdomen during pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, your uterus expands and the skin on your abdomen stretches. This intense stretching stretches the skin fibers and causes stretch marks to form.

Stretch marks vary from person to person. Some women may have very few or no stretch marks during pregnancy. Many women develop stretch marks. Genetic factors, skin type, and weight gain during pregnancy are also factors that play a role in the development of stretch marks.

Argan oil has a moisturizing effect and helps maintain the softness of the skin. Use appropriate moisturizers to prevent stretch marks from forming during pregnancy. It is important to keep the skin of your abdomen and breasts soft and healthy.

How is Argan Oil Made?

It contains nutrients that are vital for you during pregnancy.

Vitamin E: Without a doubt, one of the most important reasons to use argan oil. This oil is a rich bottle of argan oil. It fights free radicals and promotes faster skin healing. Oleic and Linoleic acids – These are anti-inflammatory acids that will be important during pregnancy as it improve the healing of wounds and scratches.

Polyphenols: It has free radical fighting properties and anti-inflammatory abilities that will come in handy during pregnancy. It will protect your skin from UV radiation and sun damage even more.

Fatty acids: It contains important fatty acids, which will help make your skin more elastic and thus prevent stretch marks.

Squalene: It is an anti-aging antioxidant that will help reduce wrinkles and marks. It also has antibacterial capabilities and will be good to use if you have skin conditions such as dry skin and acne.

Ferulic Acid: It is a rare antioxidant that also makes you look younger. These antioxidants will also promote healing and repair of damaged tissue.

In addition, it also contains many trace amounts of organic active small molecules to better protect and care for your skin, leaving you as beautiful as ever. Some say argan oil is a useful natural product with benefits that go beyond preventing and treating stretch marks, and belly marks. It keeps your skin moisturized and reduces the occurrence of abdominal scarring. It will glow your dry facial skin and wash away blemishes and acne leaving you with skin – not greasy. You will definitely feel your skin become lighter, smoother, and cleaner.

Pay Attention to The Quality of Argan Oil

Very importantly, be sure to use high-quality argan oil. High-quality argan oil should be Moroccan-made, cold-pressed, and packaged in a dark glass bottle. Oil can get spoiled due to light, so pay attention to the color of the bottle. Avoid argan oil produced outside Morocco, as it is often diluted with other oils.

If you are concerned about stretch marks that have already appeared, stop using other methods (creams, beauty oils other than argan oil, etc.) and try replacing them with argan oil.

By continuously providing your skin with the necessary nutrients, stretch marks will gradually diminish and disappear completely.

When using argan oil to prevent stretch marks, it is effective to apply it using the following steps:

Argan Oil is Safe for Cooking?

One question that may arise is whether it is safe to consume argan oil. The answer is dependent on your own health and lifestyle. Some people are allergic to nuts, including peanuts, while others are not. Argan kernels come from stone fruits, not nuts. While those who are allergic to nuts should avoid it, others may only encounter minor adverse effects. It is, nevertheless, generally safe to consume.

Additionally, the health benefits of argan oil are well known and it has been used as a natural medicine for centuries. Argan oil contains high concentrations of oleic acid, linoleic acid, polyphenols, and sterols. The unsaponified part is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which are beneficial in preventing heart disease.

Disclaimer: This content is intended to give general information only. It’s not a substitute for medical advice. For more information, always consult with your expert or doctor. Health Calorie takes no responsibility for this information.

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