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Spirulina health benefits

Spirulina Health Benefits

Spirulina health benefits are many, that’s why Spirulina today comes in the category of super food and people take it as a health supplement. But the history of spirulina is 3.5 billion years back that is in the days of yore. It was the first photosynthetic life on Earth.

Spirulina has a high amount of protein and vitamin content, that makes it a superb dietary supplement for people.

Research shows that spirulina has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as well as the ability to assist and regulate the immune system.

What is spirulina?

There are countless Spirulina health benefits, that is why Spirulina attracts people, but do you know what is spirulina, spirulina is an algae that has an aquatic plantation. It is found both in fresh and salty lakes. Its color is dark blue or green.

How many components are there in spirulina?

Spirulina health benefits are that it contains minerals, vitamins, and proteins in abundance calcium contain a high amount of selenium and zinc. A single tablespoon  (7 grams) of spirulina powder contains:


Other Nutrients

B1 (Thiamine) – 11% of RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance )

Protein – 4.02 Grams

B2 (Riboflavin) – 15% of RDA

Cooper 20% of RDA

B3 (Niacin) – 4% of RDA

Iron 2 milligrams.

Vitamin C – 0.7 milligrams,
B12, A, E, Etc.

Carbohydrate 1.67 Grams,

Fat 0.54 Gram,

Phosphorus 8 milligrams,

Potassium 95 milligrams,

Calcium 8 milligrams,

Magnesium 14 milligrams,

sodium 73 milligrams,

Omega – 6 or omega – 3 fatty acid – 1.5 to 1.0 ratio in it.

It also contains amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, A, K and small amount of another nutrient that is needed. Spirulina contains more than 100 nutrients which are very beneficial for our health and that’s why Spirulina health benefits are countless.

Spirulina Health Benefits

List of Spirulina health benefits is too long, But we have highlighted some important points of Spirulina health benefits, it has more nutrients than food that’s why it has been included in a superfood.

Spirulina health benefits for your Skin

Spirulina health benefits

  • Actually, we worry about our outer beauty and avoid inner beauty. But we have to keep in mind that inner beauty is more than important to outer beauty because our outside beauty is directly related to our inner beauty. Spirulina is an algae. it doesn’t sound sexy but it is indeed a superfood, It has more nutrients compared to food.
  • Proteins, vitamins, and minerals are very important for our health and beauty. Spirulina is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which makes it one of the best choices. If you are searching for green vegetarian supplements then spirulina is for you.
  • Before taking spirulina first consult your doctor, if you are taking spirulina every day then it will cure many skin disease, it is very rich in gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that helps your body fight inflammation and eczema.
  • Spirulina is beneficial for skin. It contains are Vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin E, phosphorus, iron, calcium, selenium, and tyrosine, etc. these are all known for their powerful anti-aging effects. The antioxidants present in tyrosine eliminate free radicals and slow down the aging of skin cells that’s the reason Spirulina makes your skin bright and healthy.
  • Spirulina helps to improve the skin by reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving elasticity and making skin glow.

Health benefits for heart patients

Heart disease is the leading reason for death in the whole world. several risks factors are related to an enlarged risk of cardiovascular disease.

spirulina affects these factors positively. as an example, it will reduce total cholesterol, “bad” LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, and it can increase the good HDL cholesterol.

Spirulina reduces the cholesterol level of blood, control blood pressure and blood sugar. It is beneficial for heart patient Because of the rich nutrients which helps them to be healthy.

Low-calorie diet for weight loss

  • People think if they take some calorie in a day they can lose their weight easily and somehow it is true. But if you want to lose your weight effectively so you have to follow one rule, you have to take low calorie a day but increase the intake of high nutrients.
  • Spirulina is a low-calorie and highly nutritious diet, this is the right solution that people can lose weight without losing nutrition.
  • The spirulina intake is a panacea for working on weight. Which is one of the best spirulina health benefits for weight lose. It contains fatty acids, chlorophyll, beta carotene, and other substances. These all keep the nutritional presence of your body and this makes you feel less hungry so that you lose weight.

Benefits For the cancer patient

Spirulina health benefits for the cancer patient is it Being an antioxidant, which releases the free radicals in our body as it is made in the body due to cancer free-radicals, in which there is a compound called phenolic that reduces the growth of cancer.

Phytochemicals compound is found in spirulina, which is known for their ability to prevent cancer cells from spreading. In fact, they can slow down the development of cancer in the skin, brain, colon, ovary, prostate, pancreas, breast and blood. There is another beneficial effect of tumor regression of spirulina.

Oxidative stress plays with your DNA and leads to cancer. But thanks to Spirulina, even your DNA will be protected. Spirulina also has sulfated polysaccharide, which can repair damaged DNA.

Benefits of spirulina For your liver

Due to it’s an abundant amount of fibre and protein, it keeps the liver healthy, apart from the normal functioning of the liver, Spirulina health benefits of it’s turning out to be beneficial for the patients of the old Hypothesis of liver.

Improve your eyesight

Spirulina has been described better for eyes in many types of research, It has been proved effective in many eye diseases such as cataracts, dark circles, dry eye and eyes condition in diabetes. Which is one of the best spirulina health benefits for your eye.

Improve Immune system

To improve immunity, common foods contain many fresh fruits and vegetables, but spirulina is excellent great health food to boost your immune system. It can improve your inner health that is very important for our health.

The immune system is completely important once it comes to the body’s ability to properly fight off health problem and disease.
it also helps in many cases when a physical injury or cuts occur on the body.

It is important to know the signs of a weak immune system so that lifestyle adjustments can be made if necessary. With a healthy diet, even with supplements that enhance immunity system, such as spirulina is the best source to get a strong immune system. it is still important to be aware of the signs because it is important to be careful and it is possible to take care of your immune system.

The immune system is very strong by consuming spirulina and it is helpful in the production of cells. Which is one of the most vital health benefits of immunity booster.

Benefits of spirulina for the pregnant ladies

Spirulina health benefits

During pregnancy, spirulina can help you in the following ways:

  • Proteins can provide additional nutrition to the fetus and can help pregnant women increase their growth while helping to strengthen their bones.
  • Spirulina is effective for the development of the fetal brain. Since it is full of chlorophyll, so spirulina prevents the accumulation of toxic substances in the body.
  • Spirulina can also help in reducing blood pressure, which is a common pregnancy issue. This is due to the increase in the production of nitric oxide which helps in the relaxation and dispersal of blood vessels.
  • This is another common pregnancy problem, it can also help in dealing with gestational diabetes. HbA1c is known to be significantly reduced.
  • Spirulina is rich in phycocyanin (antioxidant), which helps free radicals to prevent oxidative damage and rapid growth due to tissue and aging of cells.
  • Arachidonic acid supports prostaglandin function in essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and spirulina, which promotes hormonal balance and regulates blood pressure during pregnancy.
  • Spirulina is the best health supplement for a pregnant woman, there is a lot of iron in it, which makes it the more desirable diet during pregnancy, it can remove anemia and it is very good for constipation

Spirulina health benefits for brain

In the list of spirulina health benefits, Spirulina works like magic for the brain. It produces Folic acid which is not only good for brain nourishment but also produces blood and cells as well as also helps you get out of depression.

Eating spirulina will improve your memory capacity. It protects your psychological system, it stimulates your brain and nervous system. These things can keep your mood stable and happy.

Spirulina Doses

There are countless advantages of spirulina health benefits, but if its volume is not taken care of, it can also cause damage.

Spirulina can be taken up to 10 grams per day, but use it only for 6 months, after this, it can start with a gap of 15 to 20 days to start again.

spirulina dosage tablets can be taken twice a day with water And also it can be taken as a powder form with water and juice.

Spirulina Side-effects

Spirulina health benefit is more than food, Spirulina itself boasts several health benefits, but due to its excessive use, there may be some disadvantages Like a person suffering from autoimmunity should avoid it.

It’s usage as it reduces the effect of medicines. By consuming it for a long time, kidneys and liver condition may suffer.

It can cause dehydrate, vomiting, restlessness, tiredness, and headache. Use it with a doctor’s recommendation.

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